Mark Giffin
Mark is the head personal trainer and owner of Vault Barbell Club. With 15 years of personal training experience and decades of high-level sport experience, Mark has worked with a diverse range of clients. Each with unique needs and goals, some having never touched a weight and some world champions, Mark applies the same sound concepts that ensure progress while doing so in a safe and attentive manner.
As a Coach & Trainer
- Coach and trainer to many, many competitive powerlifters, novice to world champions
- Trainer to hundreds of lifters and individuals, including personal trainers, gym owners and powerlifting coaches
- Rare combination of technical knowledge and experience combined with unique ability to deconstruct the lifts and correct them where necessary using understandable and explicit feedback that empowers a lifter to learn and “feel” the safe and correct way to lift
As an Athlete
- 29 year career as a competitor
- 38 competitions
- 29 championship level competitions
- 11 international championships: 2 Commonwealth Championships, 2 Pan-American Championships, 1 North American Championships, 3 World Championships
- 50+ Canadian National Records
- Multiple Commonwealth, North American and Pan-American records
- 9 World Records
- Canadian, North American, Commonwealth and World Champion